Daily Drawing Series: August / by Jackie Sanders

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August: The month of balance and adjustment.

This month balancing time between my day job and the studio, as well as the multitude of business tasks and creating work, has been a huge learning lesson for me. Similarly, focusing in on one aesthetic, composition series, or medium has been a challenge as well. Between original paintings, color catchers, custom color catchers, still finalizing the studio set up, installing lighting….It feels as though there are so many ideas and so little time to get them all done.

Isn’t it ironic how even during a world pandemic where most of the world is shut down, there can still feel like not enough hours in the day?

Looking forward to the approaching fourth quarter I am excited to create sustainable systems and goals to keep my energy focused on what needs to get done, while also allowing ample time for fun, play, and spontaneity….after all, this is an art studio.

The drawings below show several days where no more than a circle was accomplished or drawings were rushed. Unsurprisingly these days happen but I have a feeling September is going to make way for big changes and momentum in a new direction.

From new products, new original works, teaching opportunities and more…September is going to be wild!